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Nacho Clemente

Docu Style - Narrative

Travel - Emotional

REEL coming soon!

Nacho Clemente is a Spanish film director. He has developed a style that brings forth documentary sensitivities for real characters and places but presents them with more precise, cared-for aesthetics and staging. This makes for an impactful impression that is both close to its subjects as well as aspirationally beautiful.

His work has won him multiple international advertising awards, such as El Ojo de Iberoamérica, and Festival Iberoamericano El Sol, where he won 3 bronze statues for his “Sport Bullying” campaign for McCann.

As a film director, his short film 'Marionetas' (2019) was nominated for Best Iberoamerican Short Film at FICG35. His last documentary 'Orígenes' (2020) is now screening on Amazon Prime.